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Jinling Dry was invited to participate in the second National Advanced Technology achievements transformation conference

Source: 本站 | Date of issue: 2024-04-09 14:26:30 | Views: 11588


On April 8, sponsored by Jiangsu National Defense Science and Technology Industry Office, Suzhou Municipal Peoples Government and Yangtze River Delta Transformation Center of Advanced Technology Achievements, the second National Advanced Technology Ac…

On April 8, sponsored by Jiangsu National Defense Science and Technology Industry Office, Suzhou Municipal People's Government and Yangtze River Delta Transformation Center of Advanced Technology Achievements, the second National Advanced Technology Achievements Transformation Conference with the theme of "Deep integration of Science and technology Industry Enabling New quality Productivity" was grand opened at Suzhou International Expo Center.

Jiangsu Jinling Drying Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in this conference with its own high-quality products and technical advantages. Jinling Dry hopes to exchange and learn with elites in various industries through this conference, obtain cutting-edge information, jointly explore new ideas and new methods for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and achieve innovative development.

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